Home Entertainment ‘Why This? Why Now?’: Sen. Amy Klobuchar on Her Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment

‘Why This? Why Now?’: Sen. Amy Klobuchar on Her Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment


On Monday, March 1, 2021, at around 4 P.M., the Piper Breast Center in Minneapolis called me about a test I had taken the Friday before. I don’t remember the name of the woman who called. I don’t even remember her job or title. I just remember what she said.

“I am calling with your test results from the biopsy you had Friday, which was a follow-up to the mammogram you had a week before at Mayo Clinic. The earlier test showed spots and calcification. The biopsy we just did shows us more. It turns out you have breast cancer. It is Stage 1A, which is better than some other stages, but it is still cancer. You need to find a breast cancer specialist, and then they can map out a treatment.”

“What will the treatment be?” I asked, vigorously writing everything she told me on a small yellow Post-it Note.

“Well, that you need to discuss with a doctor. It can be everything from surgery to radiation. You need to talk to a doctor right away.”


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